ladela schools, abuja0cN

Welcome to Ladela Schools, one of the leading and most exciting schools to be in. We provide Early Years, Primary and Secondary Education in a serene environment. We are proud of both our dedicated staff and of the traditions and core values which have shaped us over twenty (20) years.


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About ladela schools, abuja0cN

Welcome to Ladela Schools, one of the leading and most exciting schools to be in. We provide Early Years, Primary and Secondary Education in a serene environment. We are proud of both our dedicated staff and of the traditions and core values which have shaped us over twenty (20) years.

History of ladela schools, abuja0cN

Welcome to Ladela Schools, one of the leading and most exciting schools to be in. We provide Early Years, Primary and Secondary Education in a serene environment. We are proud of both our dedicated staff and of the traditions and core values which have shaped us over twenty (20) years. Our core purpose is to offer all pupils the chance to fulfil their best selves and, throughout the learning journey, to make the fullest contribution to society as valued and fully rounded members who treat others with respect. To achieve this end, our pupils need to become independent, life-long learners who steadily extend their horizons and have high aspirations for themselves and for others. We aim to : Enable every child to feel a valued member of the school. Ensure equality of treatment in all areas. Create a happy, well-ordered and stimulating environment. Encourage children to be caring, tolerant, responsible and healthy. Work in partnership with parents and the wider community in order to achieve these aims.

ladela schools, abuja0cN

Academic Year



Nigerian / British Curriculum .

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day only


nursery and primary

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Call: +234 916 410 8484

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