cabataf schools

CABATAF schools was established in 1983 by baba and mama Atinuke Ogunode. The school has proven itself to be one of the best primary school in Ondo state. It has has represented the state in national competition including the National JETS competition, it has produced many great men and women who are doing well in their chosen careers both within Nigeria and in diaspora. As part of its achievement, CABATAF pupil came top as the best pupil in Ondo state in the 2020 Ondo state common entrance examination. CABATAF schools a great citadel of learning in all areas.


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About cabataf schools

CABATAF schools was established in 1983 by baba and mama Atinuke Ogunode. The school has proven itself to be one of the best primary school in Ondo state. It has has represented the state in national competition including the National JETS competition, it has produced many great men and women who are doing well in their chosen careers both within Nigeria and in diaspora. As part of its achievement, CABATAF pupil came top as the best pupil in Ondo state in the 2020 Ondo state common entrance examination. CABATAF schools a great citadel of learning in all areas.

cabataf schools

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day only


nursery and primary

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Call: +234 916 410 8484

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