doregos private academy, lagos


Doregos Private Academy is a private co-educational day and boarding school which offers quality secondary education. Our curriculum is blend of Nigeria and British content. Our student at the end of the Junior secondary school write the Lagos state Junior Secondary School Examination as well as the National Examination Council Examination. At the end of their Senior Secondary School write the West Africa Examination Council Examination, National Examination Council Examination, and Cambridge International Examination for those furthering their education in the Uk. We also prepare students for the Joint Admission Matriculation Board Examination for entry into universities in Nigeria. We offer SAT and TOEFL for entries into universities in North America.


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(7 verified ratings)

About doregos private academy, lagos

Doregos Private Academy is a private co-educational day and boarding school which offers quality secondary education. Our curriculum is blend of Nigeria and British content. Our student at the end of the Junior secondary school write the Lagos state Junior Secondary School Examination as well as the National Examination Council Examination. At the end of their Senior Secondary School write the West Africa Examination Council Examination, National Examination Council Examination, and Cambridge International Examination for those furthering their education in the Uk. We also prepare students for the Joint Admission Matriculation Board Examination for entry into universities in Nigeria. We offer SAT and TOEFL for entries into universities in North America.

History of doregos private academy, lagos

The College was established on 22 January 1990 to provide secondary education that will ensure students from all walks of life can have access to affordable private education.

doregos private academy, lagos

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nigerian british .

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boarding and day


high school

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Call: +234 916 410 8484

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doregos private academy, lagos

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doregos private academy, lagos

Mar 3rd 2025

  • Description
  • Admission Application Fee
  • Edusko Service Fee
  • Total
  • Amount
  • 10000.0000
  • 5000
  • 15000