Linsy Nursery & Primary school


Our Nursery and Primary school is located in Igbo-Efon Lekki. It was founded in 1999 with the aim of providing the best possible basic education following the curriculum guidelines for pre-primary and primary schools from Lagos State Ministry of Education. The school was established so as to bring private education nearer to the people of Igbo-Efon and its environs. We teach children aged from 2 years in our kindergarten class, up to 11 years in Class 6.


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(7 verified ratings)

About Linsy Nursery & Primary school

Our Nursery and Primary school is located in Igbo-Efon Lekki. It was founded in 1999 with the aim of providing the best possible basic education following the curriculum guidelines for pre-primary and primary schools from Lagos State Ministry of Education. The school was established so as to bring private education nearer to the people of Igbo-Efon and its environs. We teach children aged from 2 years in our kindergarten class, up to 11 years in Class 6.

Linsy Nursery & Primary school

Academic Year



nigerian british .

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day only


nursery and primary

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Call: +234 916 410 8484

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