The mission statement of the school is to create an enabling environment that will turn out a pool of disciplined, productive and worthwhile citizens who would be beneficial to themselves, their families, societies and the country at large.
The mission statement of the school is to create an enabling environment that will turn out a pool of disciplined, productive and worthwhile citizens who would be beneficial to themselves, their families, societies and the country at large.
Nkonya Senior High School was established in November 1964 through the efforts of the Chiefs and some prominent people. Some of the prominent people were Mr. C.C.Y Onny (Assistant Principal Secretary) with the Ministry of Finance, Mr. J. Koranteng Kwame (The District Commissioner) for Buem area, Mr. Anyomi and Mr. Ofedie both of the Town Development Committee, to mention but a few. It was started with 20 students – seventeen males and three females. The firstActing Headmaster was Mr. Fabian Kwabena Opoku, a native of Nkonya Ahenkro. A year after its establishment, the school was absorbed as a government Assisted School and provided with a substantive Headmaster, Mr. F.K. Adijidornu.The school was housed in rented premises until it was moved to a temporary location in Nkonya Ntsumuru township (between Kadjebi & Ntsumuru). Five years after its establishment (1969/1970 academic year),it was moved to the present permanent site (between Kadjebi and Ntumda). The school went through several infantile problems. These include lack of teachers, lack of basic amenities like water and light among others, accommodation for students as well as teachers, books, syllabi to mention but a few. But by dint of hard work by the early students and teachers with support from the chiefs and many committed natives, the school gradually developed and finally saw the light of day. The school has achieved several successes in almost all discipline. It has also produced very prominent personalities in many fields of endeavors. After Mr. Adjidjonu, who was the first headmaster, came Mr. Boateng, then Mr.Ayitey, followed by Mr.E.K.Addae and Mr.Gustav Kwame Akroa, the present headmaster.
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