Primegate Academy is an educational services company owned by the Primegate Foundation and providing early years, primary, secondary school and extra-curricular services. the school seeks to provide professionally delivered teaching and learning services to its students. Incorporated on the 14th day of September 2014, the school commenced operations in September 2014 with early years, primary and secondary school sections and has grown tremendously over the past 4 years. We offer high quality learning environment to our learners through professional educators, 21st century teaching and learning facilities, first-rated serene academic and recreational atmosphere for global competitiveness..
Primegate Academy is an educational services company owned by the Primegate Foundation and providing early years, primary, secondary school and extra-curricular services. the school seeks to provide professionally delivered teaching and learning services to its students. Incorporated on the 14th day of September 2014, the school commenced operations in September 2014 with early years, primary and secondary school sections and has grown tremendously over the past 4 years. We offer high quality learning environment to our learners through professional educators, 21st century teaching and learning facilities, first-rated serene academic and recreational atmosphere for global competitiveness..
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