stepping stone educational centre

To see our children groomed to make a difference. To recognize, develop, direct, and release the untapped leader within every child that walks through our doors. This will be accomplished by maximizing the true potential of each student, and endorsing the discovery of their personal purpose and destiny. Simply we want every Stepping Stone child TO BE THE BEST that they can be.


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(7 verified ratings)

About stepping stone educational centre

To see our children groomed to make a difference. To recognize, develop, direct, and release the untapped leader within every child that walks through our doors. This will be accomplished by maximizing the true potential of each student, and endorsing the discovery of their personal purpose and destiny. Simply we want every Stepping Stone child TO BE THE BEST that they can be.

History of stepping stone educational centre

Stepping Stone Educational Centre was founded in a garage at 42 Forces Avenue, old G.R.A. in 1977 by Mrs. Mayen Itongha Fetepigi (O.O.N). Then known as Maytime Nursery School, it was intended to be a specialised nursery school to prepare the little ones for Primary School. From 42 Forces Avenue the school moved to 28 Okoroji Street, D/Line, also the residence of the Proprietress and her family. There, due to pressure from parents, the Primary School was established to cater for children coming out of the Nursery School. By then, the Proprietress had already purchased eleven plots of land for the permanent site of the primary school at 2 Okomoko Street in D/Line, Port Harcourt. In 1999, the school added another feather to its cap by starting a |Secondary arm, “STEPPING STONE EAST HIGH”. Today, it is a full-fledged Secondary School waiting to move into its permanent site at Mguogba, close to NTA Port Harcourt.

stepping stone educational centre

Academic Year



nigerian .

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high school

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Call: +234 916 410 8484

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