According to the God-Given Vision, the College was founded to make a difference by structuring the curriculum in a way that high level academic activities are heavily spiced with ethics, values , morals and a total Christian life package. Each child is made to imbibe and cultivate Christian Principles and Precepts such as a total belief in the Holy Bible; a knowledge and understanding of Christianity; development of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; personal life-long commitment to Christianity; development of Christlike qualities of humanity, truthfulness, integrity ,etc.
According to the God-Given Vision, the College was founded to make a difference by structuring the curriculum in a way that high level academic activities are heavily spiced with ethics, values , morals and a total Christian life package. Each child is made to imbibe and cultivate Christian Principles and Precepts such as a total belief in the Holy Bible; a knowledge and understanding of Christianity; development of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; personal life-long commitment to Christianity; development of Christlike qualities of humanity, truthfulness, integrity ,etc.
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