ummul-khair model schools Nursery/Primary

Primary: Year 5 pupils of the school are presented for the Cambridge Exams, while year 5 and 6 pupils are made to attempt the Nigerian Common Entrance Exams. The pupils of the school have excelled in their various exams with excellent pass marks. Welcome to the Primary Section of Ummul-Khair Model Schools. This section comprises of 3 to 9 years. Pupils are exposed to Nigerian and British curriculum. We have good facilitators & experienced educators who prepares our students for internal and external examination.


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About ummul-khair model schools Nursery/Primary

Primary: Year 5 pupils of the school are presented for the Cambridge Exams, while year 5 and 6 pupils are made to attempt the Nigerian Common Entrance Exams. The pupils of the school have excelled in their various exams with excellent pass marks. Welcome to the Primary Section of Ummul-Khair Model Schools. This section comprises of 3 to 9 years. Pupils are exposed to Nigerian and British curriculum. We have good facilitators & experienced educators who prepares our students for internal and external examination.

ummul-khair model schools Nursery/Primary

Academic Year



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day only


nursery and primary

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