whiteplain british school

Whiteplains prepares students for pre-school, primary school, secondary school, Advanced and University Foundation Studies. It also offers Cambridge-accredited one–year A’ Level, Cambridge Traditional two–years’ A’ Level and University Degree Foundation courses. The school is listed as one of Nigeria’s centres of Edexcel Academic Qualification. As a provisional member of the Council of British International Schools and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, WBS runs both Nigerian and British curricula. Whiteplains uses the student-centred teaching method. Its academic calendar operates on three terms beginning in early September and ending in mid-July.


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About whiteplain british school

Whiteplains prepares students for pre-school, primary school, secondary school, Advanced and University Foundation Studies. It also offers Cambridge-accredited one–year A’ Level, Cambridge Traditional two–years’ A’ Level and University Degree Foundation courses. The school is listed as one of Nigeria’s centres of Edexcel Academic Qualification. As a provisional member of the Council of British International Schools and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, WBS runs both Nigerian and British curricula. Whiteplains uses the student-centred teaching method. Its academic calendar operates on three terms beginning in early September and ending in mid-July.

whiteplain british school

Academic Year



British Curriculum .

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day only


high school

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Call: +234 916 410 8484

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