Hauk Explorers Schools


Hauk Explorers is a British Curriculum school located at Ikosi Ketu. Established in the year 2012, our school has given hundreds of parents the peace they desire leaving their children in trusted care. Our mode of learning is inclusive, every child learns at their own pace. we also offer education to children living with special needs. Over the years, we have had a success rate of 95% with regular students and 85% with children living with special needs. We offer the following subjects: communication and language Problem Solving and reasoning Physical development Personal social and emotional developmennt Understanding the world Agricultural science History Expressive arts and design Music French Geography Information technology Leadership & Entrepreneurship


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(7 verified ratings)

About Hauk Explorers Schools

Hauk Explorers is a British Curriculum school located at Ikosi Ketu. Established in the year 2012, our school has given hundreds of parents the peace they desire leaving their children in trusted care. Our mode of learning is inclusive, every child learns at their own pace. we also offer education to children living with special needs. Over the years, we have had a success rate of 95% with regular students and 85% with children living with special needs. We offer the following subjects: communication and language Problem Solving and reasoning Physical development Personal social and emotional developmennt Understanding the world Agricultural science History Expressive arts and design Music French Geography Information technology Leadership & Entrepreneurship

Hauk Explorers Schools

Academic Year



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day only


nursery and primary

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Call: +234 916 410 8484

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