starling school Crèche/Pre-School

We provide an enabling and stimulating environment where children are taught skills which are progressive and transferable through building positive relationships and collaboration. We use the 7(seven) learning areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum to achieve our goal of all round development of the child before Primary school age. The curriculum is all encompassing as it helps the child's physical development and social skills. This we achieve by modeling real life scenarios while teaching the children and setting up appropriate activities for each child to meet his/her developmental goal.


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About starling school Crèche/Pre-School

We provide an enabling and stimulating environment where children are taught skills which are progressive and transferable through building positive relationships and collaboration. We use the 7(seven) learning areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum to achieve our goal of all round development of the child before Primary school age. The curriculum is all encompassing as it helps the child's physical development and social skills. This we achieve by modeling real life scenarios while teaching the children and setting up appropriate activities for each child to meet his/her developmental goal.

starling school Crèche/Pre-School

Academic Year



Nigerian / British Curriculum .

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day only



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Call: +234 916 410 8484

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