The school debuted on the 27th September, 2015 under the auspices of Sheik Habeebullah Yusuf Adewuyi (the reputable proprietor) headed by Ustadh Adebayo Ma’ruf (The Head of School) with the unflinching support of Ustadh Ahmad Sa’d and Mallam Sanni Kayode Yusuf(Members of the Board of Directors) with “seven” pupils, “eight” teaching- staff and “four” non – teaching staff, in a serene, conducive and Islamic environment. Allah willed, the number of pupils has been tremendously increasing. Alhamdulillah Rabbil ‘Aalameen. The sole aim of establishing the school is to give children the best of Islamic education and science, through a unique, “quality-assured” teaching-learning process and as well as correcting the thought that merging secular education with hifzul Qur’aan is impossible and impracticable. At Manaarul Huda Schools, we offer primary and secondary education. We run a hybrid learning system consisting of a perfect blend of western and Islamic education to support the balanced development of the Muslim child.
The school debuted on the 27th September, 2015 under the auspices of Sheik Habeebullah Yusuf Adewuyi (the reputable proprietor) headed by Ustadh Adebayo Ma’ruf (The Head of School) with the unflinching support of Ustadh Ahmad Sa’d and Mallam Sanni Kayode Yusuf(Members of the Board of Directors) with “seven” pupils, “eight” teaching- staff and “four” non – teaching staff, in a serene, conducive and Islamic environment. Allah willed, the number of pupils has been tremendously increasing. Alhamdulillah Rabbil ‘Aalameen. The sole aim of establishing the school is to give children the best of Islamic education and science, through a unique, “quality-assured” teaching-learning process and as well as correcting the thought that merging secular education with hifzul Qur’aan is impossible and impracticable. At Manaarul Huda Schools, we offer primary and secondary education. We run a hybrid learning system consisting of a perfect blend of western and Islamic education to support the balanced development of the Muslim child.
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