royal scholars, lafia

In Royal scholar, our vision, mission and goals are centered on providing standard condition where the best learning can take place using perfect methods which fit in our modern world. We have a unique interest in government and public policy which affects our children, and thus we believe in the future - our children are the future. We aim to churn out the best fit pupils academically, morally, socially and culturally in the promising city of Lafia, Nigeria and the world at large. We are boosted by a wealth of uncommon experienced teachers who are very dedicated in delivering nothing but standard using modern and innovative techniques that tally in our evolving world. They are constantly trained on new modalities ranging from excellent teaching techniques, methodologies, children psycologies and much more. We are confident about our teaachers being among the best in the world. Our services are very unique and affordable, as we aim at giving the best standard in education using the best teachers with the best methods in coporation with committed parents.


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About royal scholars, lafia

In Royal scholar, our vision, mission and goals are centered on providing standard condition where the best learning can take place using perfect methods which fit in our modern world. We have a unique interest in government and public policy which affects our children, and thus we believe in the future - our children are the future. We aim to churn out the best fit pupils academically, morally, socially and culturally in the promising city of Lafia, Nigeria and the world at large. We are boosted by a wealth of uncommon experienced teachers who are very dedicated in delivering nothing but standard using modern and innovative techniques that tally in our evolving world. They are constantly trained on new modalities ranging from excellent teaching techniques, methodologies, children psycologies and much more. We are confident about our teaachers being among the best in the world. Our services are very unique and affordable, as we aim at giving the best standard in education using the best teachers with the best methods in coporation with committed parents.

History of royal scholars, lafia

Royal scholars was founded in 2015 in order to provide a Nigeria, British and American curriculum of high quality education to Nigerian children, and the children of expatriates living and working in the growing city of Lafia, Nasarawa state. It has developed into a friendly, thriving school offering a broad and balanced education for boys and girls aged 2 – 11. Royal scholars is very popular in Lafia and has an excellent reputation in the locality. It is rapidly growing constantly to fit into our evolving world. We are well equiped with modern gadgets and a standard I.C.T centre. All our classes are well equiped with screens (TV), dispensers and comfortable chairs for the best educational results. Our vision and mission is conconcretely centered on giving the children a quality and standard education that will make them undoubted champions in their academic, moral and physical lives. some of our goals are: To provide a welcoming, safe, happy and caring environment in which each child's welfare is a priority. To build and maintain effective partnership in the school community (Parents) and the wider society. To equip children with a life long learning skills required to be proactie and successful individuals. To also ensure that there is no religious and cultural discrimination among the children and irrespective of any child's believe or origin, they must be equally respected and loved. In addition to the expansion of the primary school, the decision was also taken earlier in 2016 to get an open field to accommodate extra – curricular activities. furthermore, we are involving our pupils into other activities which includes various club activities that will advance their learning spectrums. History, Geography and Phonetic are strong courses offered in the school. This is in line with Federal ministry of Education to equip our pupils even more. Royal scholars offers adapted version of the National curriculum. It has also taken huge strides to provide students and staff with the latest technology in terms of hardware and software to enable us meet current trend in our global world. Royal scholar school is a home away from home. Enrol your child now to secure the best future for them.

royal scholars, lafia

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